
Tuesday, June 6, 2017

"Western troparia" to the Holy Ghost

O God the Holy Spirit, light and life,
living fountain of all spiritual reality,
the essence of wisdom and the Spirit of knowledge,
refining fire proceeding from refining fire;
as we recall the great mystery of your descent at Pentecost
come again among your own who desire to be blessed and hallowed
by your life giving power that we may be a blessing
and a hallowing to all mankind.

O Great Promise of the Word made flesh,
as we look forward to His coming again with power and great glory,
assist us to redeem the time as the days are evil.

Therefore we offer and present unto You O Lord, O Holy Spirit,
ourselves and our souls and bodies in the company and fellowship
of those who have shed their blood and won the palm of martyrdom
in our day. May we all be a reasonable, holy, and sweet-smelling sacrifice
unto You, likewise to the Eternal Father and to the Risen Son,
living and reigning ever one God, throughout all ages
world without end. Amen.

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This is an original composition by me with influences from the Scots '29, S. African '54 and American '28 Eucharistic canons as well as prayers at the Lamplighting Psalms from the Byzantine Catholic rite. - D.E.S.